Terms & Conditions: CareBid Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Terms and condition:

We are carabid-the marketplace for healthcare our company is concentrating on connecting doctors and patient for the cost-effective procedures. The low-cost surgeries don’t mean that low quality care. Its quality and performing the procedure with the real rates of healthcare cost.

I hereby declare and give the following consent
  • That I have disclosed all the necessary information given above and below under no pressure and hereby give medical and surgical ( both general and specific) consent for my treatment under above primary treating doctors.
  • That I have checked the spelling of my name, age and address at the time of admission as it may be difficult to change these parameters at the time of discharge or after the discharge.
  • That my treatment involves low/moderate/high risk medical condition.
  • That sometimes a low-risk condition at the time of admission may become a high risk medical / surgical condition
  • That I have been told the seriousness of the medical/surgical disease.
  • That I understand that any high-risk condition caries a defined morbidity and mortality.
  • That I may end up with an unforeseen situation where I may need to be shifted to Intensive Care Unit.
  • That there is always a chance of medical accident, complication or even death in a routine medical procedure
Treating Doctors
  • That I have understood the credentials of my treating doctors team.
  • That I understand that my treating doctors are honorary / paid hospital consultants.
  • That I have been explained about the hospital charges including the policy of advance payment and will abide by the same.
  • That the hospital charges may be different for different categories of patients. It is not like a hotel where the difference is only in the room rent. The charges of healthcare, anesthesia, doctors fee, etc. may vary as per the bed category chosen.
  • That the hospital does not accept cheques and I have to pay either in cash or by demand drafts/ credit cards. I understand that if I pay by credit card, the charges may be extra.
  • That the hospital charges more money for in-patients for investigations/procedures compared to outpatients.
  • That in the hospital settings there are no provisions for concessions. The treating doctor/s should not be embarrassed for the same as they may have no role.Under MCI regulations 6.4.1 the doctors and the hospitals are not allowed to give any rebate, refund any fee for medical, surgical or other treatment.
  • That the hospital bill does not cover the follow up visits for which I may be billed separately
  • That the hospital bills are computerized and may have computer errors. It's my duty to cross check the bill and get it sorted out with the billing department.
  • That it's my duty to sign the bill and the discharge tickets at the time of discharge.
  • That the hospital will/may not permit me to buy medicines or procure devices from outside hospital pharmacy, and for this may charge extra service charges.
  • That I may be billed for disposable sheets, disposable gowns, disposable working gloves etc.
  • That it may be possible that the hospital may provide devices/implants at a higher costs than their purchase price as the Indian Government does not have an MRP on these items. The hospital may charge more to cover the cost of expiry, inventory, accidental fall, etc. The treating consultant does not get any money out of these.
Negligence and medical accidents
  • That I understand that deviation from normal practice is not negligence.
  • That I understand that medical accidents are known to occur and does not amount to negligence.
  • That I understand that to error is human.
  • That I understand that error of judgment is not negligence.
  • That I understand that difference of opinion is not negligence.
  • That there are certain unforeseen accidents which may occur in the hospital premises in spite of the precautions. These may include burn while taking steam, ECG electrode burn, electric monitor burn, fall from the bed, etc. etc.
  • That in spite of the best care by the hospital there may be an accident of fall from the bed. To prevent that except in the intensive care areas, I am supposed to provide and keep an attendant with me.
Applicable Laws
  • That under MCI 7.16 before performing an operation the physician should obtain in writing the consent from the husband or wife, parent or guardian in the case of minor, or the patient himself as the case may be.
  • That in an operation which may result in sterility the consent of both husband and wife is needed.
  • That under MCI 7.17 no consent is required if the doctors discloses any of my details as long as my identity is not disclosed
  • That in a case of IVF orartificial insemination detailed informed consent of both the partners is required.
  • That under MCII 7.22 Research clinical drug trials or other research involving patients or volunteers as per the guidelines of ICMR can be undertaken, provided ethical considerations are borne in mind.

CareBid, eliminating the middlemen and Connecting Patients and Healthcare Organizations.

Locations Covered:

INDIA: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal.

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